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Название журнала: Международный Научный Институт Educatio, Выпуск: , Том: , Страницы в выпуске: -
Анотация: Aim. Our aim is to research the difference in the amount of distal movement and tipping of the upper molars in permanent dentition in patients during the growth period and in patients who have finished their growth period, both treated with M-pendulum as well as to find the time for its achievement.
Material and methods. We analyzed 72 patients, which were divided in two groups: Group 1 - 30 patients in growth period, Group 2 - 42 patients who have finished growth period.
Result. The treatment time for Group 1 has been 5.33 months and Group 2 - 6.42 months. The average dimension of the distal movement of upper first molars was 3.63 mm for all of the patients and for the second molars - 2.71 mm. We found significant larger amount of distal tipping of the second upper molar, almost 140 - group 1.9 0 - group 2. Distal tipping is less in cases with first and second molar – 9.380 , rather than in cases with presence of a germ of a third molar – 11.420 .
Conclusion. We found out that there is no significant difference in the dimensions of distal movement in patients in growth period compared to patients who has finished growth period.
Данные для цитирования: Yordanova G.R. . PENDULUM APPLIANCE – PROBLEMS AND POSSIBILITIES IN ITS APPLICATION AT DIFFERENT AGE PERIODS. Международный Научный Институт Educatio. Научные статьи по медицине. ; ():-.
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